Disney Dreamlight Valley transports players into a virtual world where they can interact with their favorite Disney characters. The charming life sim lets Disney fans live out their fairy tale stories in the beautiful Valley, where mysteries and secrets abound. But the secrets aren’t just hidden in the lore and stories, spilling over into the very gameplay itself.
In fact, some of the game’s best features are hidden, found only by accident or through experimentation. New discoveries are popping up every day, some from players accidentally stumbling upon them and others from the developers secretly adding them in larger patches, like the time Dreamlight Valley upgraded Belle’s character model without telling anyone. From useful settings buried in the menus to fun things hidden in plain sight, there are some elements to Dreamlight Valley that players might just not be aware of.
10 Mickey Mouse Clouds Have A Chance Of Spawning
They Make A Great Photo-Op
Disney Dreamlight Valley is a beautiful game, with everything from the biggest house designs down to each leaf getting the same amount of attention by the devs. So, of course, the sky and even the clouds are often stunning and change depending on the time of day and weather conditions in the Valley.
Disney Dreamlight Valley Fans Are Finally Getting The Fall Update They Wanted With Floating Islands
Fall finally arrives in Disney Dreamlight Vally, with a new update that’s set to bring the floating islands of Storybook Vale to the game.
Eagle-eyed players may occasionally notice something unusual in the sky. Once in a while, a Mickey Mouse-shaped cloud appears, creating an even more magical moment to be enjoyed or captured in an in-game photo. There’s no way to reliably make this special cloud appear, although some anecdotal reports say that entering and leaving a house several times can bring it out of hiding.
9 Some Surprising Items Can Be Decorated
Try Placing Items And Furniture Everywhere
Most of the time, it’s pretty obvious when an item in Disney Dreamlight Valley can be customized or decorated. Sometimes, players discover by complete accident that an item or furniture they thought they couldn’t place items on or in can, in fact, be customized.
Reddit has many accounts of this, like Winters_Spirefield discovering that they could place an item on a pedestal, or Many_Reflection5531 accidentally finding out that items can be placed inside a gazebo. Even wall items can sometimes be combined with other furniture for unique decorations, like the one discovered by Burlinea on Reddit. The takeaway is that it’s worth trying to place items and furniture on and in everything, because some Dreamlight Valley items have hidden properties that aren’t spelled out.
8 You Can Exit Your House From Any Floor
No Need To Go Downstairs
When leaving a house, it’s only logical to first go to the first floor before trying to exit. This was true in Disney Dreamlight Valley as well until The Laugh Floor update in February 2024, which first introduced Mike Wazowski and Sulley from Monsters Inc. into the game.
Sometime during this update, Disney quietly added a new feature that allows players to leave their house from any floor, without first needing to return to the first floor. This makes navigating quicker and easier and went unnoticed by many players, making this one of the hidden features in Dreamlight Valley. It’s also led to plenty of jokes and questions about how, exactly, the characters are safely getting down from the 11th floor via, presumably, the window.
7 Some Quests Are Hidden
Potatoes, Magical Wishing Wells, And More
There’s a lot to do in Disney Dreamlight Valley every day, from daily quests to special requests, to, of course, the main quest lines and duties. Players who know where to look, though, will find that the Valley holds even more secrets than they might think. There are a number of hidden quests in Dreamlight Valley, most of which require a special trigger to start them. Some secret quests can be started by interacting with the right character or item, and others can be launched by reaching a certain level of friendship with a character.
For instance, some players may find that they’re left with a single Monsters Inc. key card after completing that quest path. This key can be used in one final hidden door in the back of the Monsters Inc. Realm for a silly reward. Another quest has players running all around the Valley uncovering different colored potatoes. These quests are often so hidden that they don’t even show up in the Dreamlight Valley quest tracker.
6 Chests Can Be Picked Up Even With Items In Them
Reorganizing Made Easy
Storage chests are an incredibly useful feature in Disney Dreamlight Valley, allowing players to put away their unused items for later. This is such an integral part of the game, in fact, that many players have dedicated storage rooms for their chests. Anyone who wants to reorganize their chests might find the idea of moving so many items and chests daunting, but there’s good news: items don’t have to be removed from a chest to relocate it.

How To Unlock Tiana’s Palace & Meal Stall In Disney Dreamlight Valley
Tiana has arrived in Disney Dreamlight Valley with her restaurant, Tiana’s Palace, and a brand new Meal Stall, but she needs help opening up.
In Dreamlight Valley,chests can be picked up even if they have items in them, making it much easier to rearrange and decorate. The downside is that it’s not possible to see what’s inside each chest in the inventory, only that there are some items in there. As such, any rearranging is best done a handful of chests at a time, to prevent confusion.
5 Cooking Results Screen Can Be Skipped
A Precious Time Saver
Cooking in Dreamlight Valley is a fun way to make some delcious recipes that can be used to restore energy or make some money. The downside is that the process of cooking can be time-consuming, in part due to the cooking results screen that displays after each recipe is completed.
Luckily for players who want a speedier cooking experience, the August 2024 Dapper Delights update added a new feature that allows players to skip the cooking results screen altogether. The feature isn’t hidden, per se, but it’s very easy to miss because it’s found in the lower right-hand corner of the screen when cooking. Activating it makes cooking go so much faster, which is great news for any players who use cooking as a means to make money.
4 Task Tracker Makes Gathering Easier
Disney Dreamlight Valley has so many quests, duties, and recipes, that it can be difficult to track them all. It’s always possible to see what’s needed by opening up the menu and navigating to the right quest or recipe, but this can get tedious. As of October 2024, there’s an easier way to keep track of what’s needed, thanks to the on-screen crafting tracker.
Any quest, duty, or crafting recipe can be tracked by selecting it, then choosing to “track recipe.” This will snap the recipe to the corner of the screen, showing what ingredients of items have already been acquired and which ones are still missing. This is another excellent feature that’s easy to overlook because it’s hidden on the bottom right of the screen when checking recipes, and it’s a game-changing one that’s definitely worth knowing.
3 It’s Possible To Hold To Complete Fishing And Timebending
Button Mashing Is Optional
Fishing and timebending are two integral parts of the Disney Dreamlight Valley experience. By default, both require players to press the correct button repeatedly to succeed, which can be difficult for some players. Developer Gameloft Montreal heard players’ complaints and added the option to change either or both to simply hold down the button instead of pressing it multiple times.
However, players need to be aware of this feature before they can activate it, as it’s hidden in the Settings of the game. To toggle the options, players need to navigate to Settings then down to Gameplay. Conversely, this is also where players would go to change sprinting to require a button press instead of being held down.
2 You Can Change Your Avatar Name
Player Name Is No More
For a long time, players couldn’t change their in-game name in Disney Dreamlight Valley. This led to some unfortunately named characters, like the hilarious default “Player Name.” Unbeknownst to many, there is a way to change a player’s name, though it’s hidden in an unexpected menu.
To change a player’s name in Dreamlight Valley, players need to navigate to Settings, then Help, and then select Change Avatar Name. Disney had teased the ability to do this for a while, but the option was added to the game without much fanfare at some point, so many players might now know the option is even there.
1 Home Skins Are Full Second Houses
They Aren’t Just Skins
Dreamlight Valley has many customization options, including house designs to fit any aesthetic. There are many different House Dream Styles to choose from, for everything from a cute and cozy cottage to a huge Disney-style castle. What many players might not realize is that these aren’t just skins, but can actually be placed as houses, too.
House skins can be applied to the player’s house to change its appearance, but it can also be placed as an entirely separate house in the Valley. This means that players can have two of the same style of house in their Valley, and have a second house to design the interior of. This ability has been in the game since The Remembering update in June 2023, but many players still don’t know about the hidden Disney Dreamlight Valley feature.
Sources: Winters_Spirefield/Reddit, Many_Reflection5531/Reddit, Burlinea/Reddit