10 Things The Walking Dead Must Do Before The Franchise Ends For Good

The Walking Dead boss, Scott Gimple, has confirmed that he wants a crossover to bring the Walking Dead spin-offs together, which could bring the enormously successful post-apocalyptic franchise to a satisfying end. AMC’s original series has grown into an epic franchise comprised of 14 series in the Walking Dead universe. These can get confusing, with The Walking Dead including several time jumps and characters occasionally disappearing, leaving their fates unknown. As a result, there are serveral loose ends for The Walking Dead to wrap up before the franchise ends, so it’s a good sign that Gimple is considering this.

The spin-offs have helped wrap up The Walking Dead by answering some of the questions it left open, like the fate of Rick Grimes. Although Rick appeared to receive a happy ending in The Ones Who Live, his future may be tied to the rest of the franchise, as he is still linked to other central characters. There are several upcoming Walking Dead shows in progress or in talks, which have quite a lot they need to cover before the franchise can end.


The Meaning Of Designation 2 Must Be Revealed

The Walking Dead May Have Its Next Villain

The later Walking Dead series villains, the Civic Republic Military (CRM) appeared to have many branches and code phrases, which the spin-offs began to explore. World Beyond explained one of The Walking Dead‘s most mysterious questions, which concerned why Jadis was labeling her offerings to the CRM helicopter staff as either A or B. While The World Beyond explored the enormous community of the Civic Republic, one phrase from The Walking Dead stood out: “Designation 2.”

Designation 2 may be the next Walking Dead villain group, and viewers must finally discover what Designation 2 is before the franchise ends.

The Walking Dead season 11 looked set to explore Designation 2, and why nobody ever came back from there. However, Connie was rescued from being transported there and the site was never explained. Because Pamela Milton suspected Connie of writing the article that accused her son of murder, Designation 2 may be either a prison camp, an execution center, or something else entirely. Designation 2 may be the next Walking Dead villain group, and viewers must finally discover what Designation 2 is before the franchise ends.


Morgan Must Find Out What Happened To Rick

The Two Characters Have Been Connected Since The Walking Dead Began

Morgan is one of The Walking Dead franchise’s longest-surviving characters, and he has appeared as a main character in two Walking Dead series. His story has been incredibly in-depth, as Morgan has been through intense pain, mental illness, and self-improvement character arcs. Of all the Walking Dead characters who deserve to achieve their goals and find peace, Morgan is one of the most deserving, and his main goal is still possible. Morgan’s final goal is to find Rick Grimes.

Morgan sets out to look for Rick at the end of Fear The Walking Dead. While it does not look as though he will appear in either Dead City or Daryl Dixon, Morgan could get a Walking Dead spin-off as an alternative scenario. Morgan is the only original Walking Dead character without his own spin-off, and this could set him up to finally find Rick. If a full spin-off isn’t possible, a Tales From The Walking Dead Universe episode could complete Morgan’s story.


The Fates Of Iris And Silas Must Be Shown

The Two Could Find Themselves On Opposite Sides

The Walking Dead: World Beyond ended with its survivors heading to different communities to try and form a possible resistance against the CRM. Iris was on her way to Portland to warn the communities there about the danger the CRM posed, while Silas appeared ready to try and take them down from within, joining up as a soldier. The Ones Who Live had the perfect opportunity to reference their fates but never did, even while the series regularly referenced The World Beyond.

These two characters appeared to be set up in opposition to each other in a later episode, with a high potential for Silas to be indoctrinated.

With Jadis dead after she had taken a personal interest in training Silas, it would have been interesting to see what became of him afterward. If he and Iris met again, it is possible that the two would have very different outlooks. As two of The World Beyond‘s most interesting characters, The Walking Dead must finish Iris and Silas’s stories, even in flashback form.


Daryl And Carol Must Become A Couple (Or Not)

The Will-They Won’t-They Character Arc Needs A Resolution

Carol has had the biggest transformation of any Walking Dead character, going from a domestic abuse victim to a formidable fighter, and finding love in between. When Carol and Ezekiel’s relationship fell apart after the trauma of Henry’s death, it appeared that she was never going to find true happiness again. Separated from everyone she loves, Carol has reunited with her best friend in Daryl Dixon, with season 2 being named Daryl Dixon: The Book of Carol, and the two have a journey ahead.


Daryl Dixon & Rick Grimes Have Something In Common After The Walking Dead’s Saddest Spinoff Death

After the latest shocking death in The Walking Dead, Rick Grimes and Daryl Dixon have the same tragic thing in common — and it could make them closer.

While The Walking Dead has hinted that Daryl and Carol will get together, this does not seem likely. A romance between Daryl and Carol would be controversial, and risk damaging the deep connection that is one of the best relationships in the entire Walking Dead franchise. However, The Walking Dead must not end before it gives viewers a definitive answer to whether Daryl and Carol stay as best friends or become something else.


The Walking Dead Must Show How Other Countries Addressed The Apocalypse

If The Walking Dead Has One Major Fault, This Is It

One of the factors that made The Walking Dead franchise so unique and successful is its diversity. The Walking Dead featured a broad ensemble cast of different kinds of people, from diverse and varied backgrounds. However, this excellent approach to characterization has not carried over into the wider world, and if The Walking Dead has one fault, this is it. Even though Daryl Dixon has had location changes, the French characters are nowhere near as well-rounded as the American characters.

Taking Daryl and Carol around Europe and showing the ways different countries and cultures handled the breakdown of the world would be a great way for The Walking Dead to address its biggest criticism. Even if the Daryl Dixon spin-off doesn’t address a wider culture, future shows could still head in this direction. More Tales from the Walking Dead Universe has focused on individual stories while linking them to the bigger picture, making it the ideal spin-off to show the apocalypse from another part of the world.


Heath’s Fate Must Be Revealed At Last

The Character Disappeared In The Walking Dead, And This Was Noticed

One of The Walking Dead‘s most underrated characters was Heath, who disappeared in season 7 of the original series. The Walking Dead showrunner Angela Jang confirmed that Heath was one of the characters that Jadis traded to the CRM, but this was an unsatisfactory ending for the character. With the Walking Dead spin-offs featuring the Civil Republic as a main antagonist, it seemed certain that Heath’s fate would be revealed, but he never appeared.

Heath was not seen in The Ones Who Live despite intense speculation that he would have a role, and so it appears that the mystery of Heath’s whereabouts will go unanswered. Still, this should not be the case. The Walking Dead has usually addressed the fates of its characters, even through details like clothing seen on walkers, and Heath’s fate has been a jarring exception. Before The Walking Dead ends for good, viewers should at least find out if Heath was an A or B according to the CRM.


Negan’s Story Must Be Concluded

The Walking Dead’s Most Iconic Villain Must Either Be Redeemed Or Die

Of all the powerful Walking Dead villains, Negan appeared to be irredeemable. His redemption over the following Walking Dead seasons was one of the best story threads throughout the franchise. While he almost always kept his swagger, it appeared that by the end of The Walking Dead, Negan had become one of the good guys. Dead City ended with the allure of Negan’s old power and status reaching him once again, and as it has been renewed for another season, Negan may return as an antagonist.

The Walking Dead franchise cannot end before either redeeming Negan or killing him. If Negan survives The Walking Dead franchise to become a villain, there will always be the possibility of yet another Negan spin-off. Keeping him as a reformed character would allow him to make a new and peaceful life for himself. A third option is to kill him, but if that is to happen, The Walking Dead must give Negan an ending worthy of the impact he has had on the show.


Laurent’s Immunity Must Be Explained Or Disproved

Laurent May Be The Key To The Walking Dead’s Future

An immune character has been a zombie apocalypse trope for a long time, and The Walking Dead stayed away from it for an impressive length of time. That said, the franchise appears to be leaning into a “chosen one” trope too, which is unusual for a series that has generally stayed true to its gritty roots. Daryl Dixon‘s Laurent appears to be immune in The Walking Dead universe, and his introduction could be the key to the Walking Dead franchise wrapping up.

While this would confirm many characters’ beliefs that Laurent is the Messiah, this feels a little too tidy.

The possibility that the virus was introduced to his bloodstream while he was in the womb seems likely, based on flashbacks in Daryl Dixon. Either way, Laurent could be the key to developing an antivirus that would change The Walking Dead forever. While this would confirm many characters’ beliefs that Laurent is the Messiah, this feels a little too tidy. He may discover that he is a regular person at a crucial moment, but if he truly is immune, this must be explained.


The Walking Dead Characters Must Discover If They Have Long To Live

If They Only Have 14 Years Left, They Must Come To Terms With This

During his final confrontation with Major General Beale in The Ones Who Live, Beale tells Rick that humanity has just 14 years left before the lack of food and enormous walker herds make survival impossible. While Beale is a villain, his findings have been based on science, and it seems plausible that The Walking Dead‘s survivors are outnumbered by the walkers, with precarious food resources. Rick gets to be with his family, but his happy ending does not change Beale’s grim prognosis.

If The Walking Dead’s characters are all going to die anyway, this would be a bleak ending for a series that has been so popular, but it could be possible. The show has been incredibly dark at times, and ending The Walking Dead knowing that the characters are all living on borrowed time would not be a shock based on the history of the franchise. Still, The Walking Dead must confirm if this is true, because Laurent’s potential immunity could hint at a very different ending.


Rick And Daryl Must Reunite

The Walking Dead Must Bring Two Of Its Best Characters Back Together

Rick and Daryl might have been suspicious of each other in The Walking Dead, but the two became like brothers over time. Although Daryl eventually stopped looking for Rick by the river where he vanished, Daryl must not end The Walking Dead franchise unaware that Rick is alive. In the Daryl Dixon spin-off, Daryl was reunited with his best friend and found the ability to love once again. Discovering that his adopted brother is alive would be the happy ending that Daryl deserved.

Both Rick and Daryl are formidable enough on their own, and their time apart has taught them some new skills. If the next installment of the Walking Dead story introduced a new villain, reuniting Rick and Daryl would make a win much more likely, especially with both Carol and Michonne too. The Walking Dead already dropped the perfect Rick theory once, before debunking it, so it appears that a Rick and Daryl reunion is already on the showrunners’ minds. Before The Walking Dead franchise ends for good, it must happen.

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