While traveling through Galawain’s Tusks in Avowed, you will encounter an ogre named Grakohr who has killed a caravan and taken a woman hostage. Although this might seem like a cut-and-dry case, things are a bit more complicated than they initially seem. It might also be more mechanically beneficial to hear the ogre out, depending on your class.
Avowed’s side quests present complex choices, so when you reach Galawain’s Tusks, you are probably primed to give a character like Grakohr the benefit of the doubt. Speaking with Grakohr will reveal that he killed the caravan in self-defense, something the captive merchant he has with him will corroborate. Still, the ogre did single-handedly murder an entire caravan, and his hostage is agreeing with him while under duress. This makes it a bit unclear what you should think or what the right choice to make is.
What Happens If You Kill Grakohr In Avowed
Killing Grakohr Allows You To Loot His Unique Weapon
Choosing to kill Grakohr is the most expedient way to handle the associated quest, A Cure for Rage. You can choose to fight him during your first conversation, which will start a boss fight. Once you’ve defeated Grakohr, you can loot his body, which contains 47 Golden Scellings, Ogre Blood, and Stew. Grakohr also drops one of Avowed‘s unique weapons, a two-handed ax called Limb-Taker which is Superb quality and starts with one upgrade towards Legendary quality.
Should You Kill Or Spare Captain Carnet In Avowed?
Captain Carnet is a leader of Avowed’s Steel Garrote that violently gutted Vemas Rogera’s nephew, but should you help him exact vengence and kill her?
Limb-Taker is a solid axe and a tempting reward if you play as a two-handed weapon player. It isn’t the most helpful weapon when you get it. Limb-Taker’s special ability is that it deals Bleed Accumulation when you deliver powerful attacks. However, Bleed isn’t super-effective during Avowed’s endgame, as many enemies you face are immune to it. While it can help you get through Galawain’s Tusks, don’t feel like you’re missing too much if you choose the other route with this quest.
What Happens If You Help Grakohr
Helping Grakohr Cures Him And Gives You A Unique Summoning Item
Helping Grakohr will mean a bit of extra work. Speaking to him, you’ll learn that he’s dying, and he will ask you to track down the cure. His prisoner, Gilyn, tells you that you can find a list of ingredients somewhere in the destroyed caravan’s goods. After you find the recipe for the cure and the ingredients needed, you can return to Grakohr and heal him. After you do, he will let Gilyn go and will give you the unique Stoneheart amulet. The amulet allows you to summon a Ruinous Blight to aid you in battle.

Avowed: Vampire Build Guide (Best Abilities, Attributes, & Items)
Parasitic Staff, Corrosive Siphon, Bleed effects, and other vampiric abilities & items are perfect for an all-purpose Vampire build in Avowed.
If you help Grakohr, he will also return during Avowed’s final battle in Paradis and help fight for you. While this is a fun story beat, it isn’t a huge help mechanically. If you’ve done all the sidequests in the game and have been keeping up with your gear, the final battle is (somewhat disappointingly) easy. Grakohr also will stop helping you before your battle against Avowed’s villain Inquisitor Lödwyn, so he won’t be around for the most important part of the fight.
You Should Help Grakohr In Avowed
Helping Grakohr Is Advantageous Mechanically And The Morally Better Option
Helping Grakohr find a cure is the best thing to do during the A Cure for Rage quest. From a role-playing standpoint, it seems pretty clear that Grakohr was acting in self-defense when he killed the caravan. He simply approached them for help, and they began attacking him, a story backed up by Gilyn even when Grakohr wasn’t around, and she had no reason to lie about it.
While the game makes it seem as though there is a Dexterity dialogue option to sneak out with Gilyn and not have to choose, this option doesn’t actually do anything.
While the game makes it seem as though there is a Dexterity dialogue option to sneak out with Gilyn and not have to choose, this option doesn’t actually do anything. Gilyn will refuse to attempt sneaking out, even if your Dexterity score is much higher than the requirement. This means your only real choices for finishing the quest are to kill Grakohr or help cure him. It would have been nice if there had been more nuance here from a role-playing standpoint. It may have been more of a question about Grakohr’s innocence, but the choice is pretty clear.

Avowed: Should You Kill Haiako & Katoa Or Reason With Them?
During the Don’t Look Down quest in Avowed, you can reason with Haiako & Katoa at the top of the tower – or kill them and take their gear.
From a mechanical standpoint, I think the Stoneheart amulet is the better get from this quest. A Ruinous Blight is a decently strong creature; having an additional ally in a fight can be a big advantage. If you’re leaning heavily into a Bleed build, I can see being tempted by Limb-Taker, but again Bleed isn’t all that effective near the end of the game, so I would advise against putting too many of your eggs into that basket. Ultimately, the choice to help Grakohr is one of the easier ones in Avowed.

Avowed is an upcoming RPG release from Obsidian Entertainment, the creative minds behind Fallout: New Vegas and The Outer Worlds. Avowed will reportedly take place in the same universe as Pillars of Eternity.

- Released
February 18, 2025
Mature 17+ // Blood and Gore, Strong Language, Violence
- Developer(s)
Obsidian Entertainment
- Publisher(s)
Xbox Game Studios