Baldur’s Gate 3 allows you to multiclass from different archetypes as you level up, which can help create extremely powerful builds for a Rogue character. One specific path players have discovered combines all the traits of two classes to form a terrifying set of strengths. Combining the stealth features of the Rogue with the combat prowess of the Ranger gives your character a strong sense of synergy.
The Rogue and Ranger work well together because the classes each rely on the Dexterity Ability Score. When you’re building a Rogue in Baldur’s Gate 3, one of the weaknesses of the class is their low health and glass cannon approach to combat. Rangers are proficient with Medium Armor, Martial Weapons, and Shields in addition to a few spells that improve the Rogue’s arsenal.
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How To Build a Multiclass Rogue in Baldur’s Gate 3
Take Levels of Rogue And Ranger
There are multiple ways to make a Ranger multiclass work, but you’ll want to start as a Rogue when creating your character. At Level 1, you immediately get an Expertise passive feature that lets you double your proficiency bonus on a Skill. This could be applied to Stealth, Sleight of Hand, or other abilities tied to a high Dexterity score, which should be the strongest aspect of this build.
Rogues also get Sneak Attack for both melee and ranged attacks right when this class is chosen in Baldur’s Gate 3. Whenever you have an advantage against an enemy, this ability causes you to deal a ton of extra damage on top of your normal attack. This feature also works whenever you have an ally right next to you, which could help create some coordinated attacks on deadly foes.
Sneak Attack sets up the foundation for your character, while Ranger gives you better skills to set up that feature. Mobility spells in Baldur’s Gate 3 and other utility magic are available to the Ranger once they hit Level 2. While this multiclass may not let you get high-level spells like the Warlock or Wizard, the magic is designed to support your core strategies, since you’ll already have powerful Rogue abilities.
Rangers use their
Wisdom Ability Score
to cast spells, so make sure this stat is your second highest next to Dexterity as you make this multiclass build.
Overall, you should take 7 Levels of Rogue and 5 Levels of Ranger to maximize the effectiveness of both classes’ traits. Doing this will allow you to pick a subclass for each archetype in Baldur’s Gate 3 before you hit the Level Cap of 12. While you will lose out on specific skills gained at higher ranks for either class, the synergy between the two makes up for the loss of some features.
Best Racial Options and Subclasses for a Multiclass Rogue
Choose Magically Inclined Origins
Nearly any racial option could work for this Rogue multiclass, but the Drow, Tiefling, Half-Elf, and Elf stand out the most. A Drow has a natural proficiency with Perception in Baldur’s Gate 3, which could allow your Rogue to scope out the battlefield for good Sneak Attack places. Tieflings have natural magic from their different ancestries which can either boost your damage or protect you from enemy attacks.

5 Best Multiclass Combinations In Baldur’s Gate 3
In Baldur’s Gate 3, you can create different multiclass builds to best unlock strong hybrid combinations with diverse spellsets and abilities.
On the other hand, all the subraces available to Half-Elf and Elf characters provide different benefits for a Rogue. High Half-Elves get a cantrip from the Wizard spell list, while Wood Half-Elves have Stealth Proficiency and faster movement. Regular High Elves and Wood Elves are very similar, albeit with Elven Weapon Training to give you access to more weapon types at the start.
When you reach Level 3 with both the Rogue and Ranger, you have the option to pick one of three subclasses. Choose the Assassin for the Rogue to boost your Sneak Attack damage to ridiculous numbers in Baldur’s Gate 3. Pick the Gloom Stalker for the Ranger to gain a bonus to Initiative rolls and increased movement speed, in addition to extra traits related to Stealth.
How to Level a Multiclass Rogue/Ranger in Baldur’s Gate 3
Gain Subclasses In Both Archetypes
Swapping back and forth between the Rogue and Ranger can be difficult to plan out, especially since the Ranger has many choices at Level 1. The Favored Enemy and Natural Explorer features have several options you can pick from depending on your preferences. However, the recommended route of a multiclass Rogue for this build is:
Level |
Class + Level |
Feature |
Description |
1 |
Rogue – 1 |
Expertise |
Double your proficiency bonus to 2 Skills you are already proficient in. |
Sneak Attack (1d6) – Melee & Ranged |
Deal extra damage to targets you hit if you have advantage on them or if an ally is right next to them. |
2 |
Rogue – 2 |
Cunning Actions |
You can use the Dash, Disengage, or Hide actions as a bonus action instead. |
3 |
Rogue – 3 |
Subclass – Assassin |
N/A |
Assassin’s Alacrity |
When combat starts, you immediately restore both your Action and Bonus Action. |
Assassinate: Ambush |
Any attack against a Surprised creature is an automatic Critical Hit. |
Assassinate: Initiative |
Your character has advantage on attack rolls against creatures that haven’t taken a turn yet in combat. |
4 |
Ranger – 1 |
Favored Enemy – Mage Breaker |
Gain proficiency with Arcana checks and the True Strike cantrip that can be cast to give you advantage against targets. |
Natural Explorer – Urban Tracker |
Your character has proficiency with Sleight of Hand rolls. |
5 |
Rogue – 4 |
Feat – Ability Improvement |
Increase one ability score by 2, or two ability scores by 1, up to a maximum of 20. This Feat is a great way to improve your Dexterity or Wisdom Ability Scores. |
6 |
Rogue – 5 |
Uncanny Dodge |
Once per round, take half the damage from an enemy attack if they land a hit on you. |
7 |
Ranger – 2 |
Fighting Style – Two-Weapon Fighting |
When you make an offhand attack, you can add your Ability Score Modifier to the damage of the attack. |
Spellcasting |
You gain the ability to have 2 known spells with two 1st-Level spell slots. This increases to 3 known spells with 3 available slots at the 3rd and 4th Ranger Level. The 5th Ranger Level grants you 4 spells known, four 1st-Level slots, and two 2nd-Level spell slots. |
8 |
Rogue – 6 |
Expertise |
Double your proficiency bonus to 2 Skills you are already proficient in. |
9 |
Ranger – 3 |
Subclass – Gloom Stalker |
Your character gets the Disguise Self spell, which is always prepared. |
Umbral Sight |
The Umbral Shroud ability lets you use an Action to become invisible for 10 turns if you are Obscured first. You also gain Superior Darkvision, which allows you to see in the dark up to 24m/80ft. |
Dread Ambusher |
Your character gets a +3 bonus to Initiative rolls. Your movement speed is increased by 3m/10ft on the first turn of combat, and you can make an extra melee or ranged attack that deals 1d8 of physical damage during that round. |
10 |
Rogue – 7 |
Evasion |
When a spell or effect would deal half damage on a successful Dexterity Saving Throw, it deals no damage instead. These attacks only deal half damage if you fail the Saving Throw. |
11 |
Ranger – 4 |
Feat – Mobile |
Your character’s movement speed increases by 3m/10ft. When you use the Dash Action, you are not slowed down by difficult terrain. If you move after making a melee attack, you don’t provoke an Opportunity Attack from that target. |
12 |
Ranger – 5 |
Extra Attack |
Whenever you take the Attack Action, you may attack twice instead of once. |
The Rogue’s Sneak Attack damage increases to
2d6 at Level 3
3d6 at Level 5
, and
4d6 at Level 7
to increase your damage even further as your character grows stronger.
Hunter’s Mark, Longstrider, Ensnaring Strike, and Cure Wounds are all excellent choices for Level 1 spells when your character reaches the second Level of Ranger. Longstrider offers extra mobility, while Hunter’s Mark gives you extra damage for even higher DPS. Ensnaring Strike will lock down targets for Sneak Attack, but keep in mind that you need a solid ranged weapon for this spell.
When you receive Level 2 spells, you can obtain Pass Without Trace to gain a huge bonus to Stealth checks. When combined with a Rogue’s natural ability to stay hidden, you can easily initiate Sneak Attack on your foes without worrying about getting caught. As enemies get tougher and tougher, you’ll have to figure out what combat style works best with this multiclass as you venture into later Acts of the game.

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How To Use A Rogue/Ranger Multiclass Build
Always Make The First Move
The best way to use this Rogue/Ranger multiclass build is to take the first strike whenever you can before combat starts. By using Assassin traits with the Gloom Stalker’s preference for stealth, you can easily drop at least one enemy with heavy Sneak Attack damage before initiative is rolled. Most of the time, you’ll have advantage on surprised creatures who don’t know where you are and deal Critical damage to accomplish this quickly.
The survivability of the Ranger side of this multiclass means you’ll survive fights longer, but keep in mind that this build is not meant to be a tank. You want to stick to the shadows and avoid getting targeted if you can, to give yourself every advantage against your enemies. Try to coordinate with your party to set up your best positions, especially if you can get someone to guarantee a Sneak Attack against a threatening foe.
Do not forget to carefully select Ranger spells when you level up that class over time. Choose magic that boosts your damage or supports your Rogue features more often than the Ranger traits when possible. The main philosophy for making this incredibly powerful Rogue/Ranger multiclass build in Baldur’s Gate 3 is to remember what makes the archetype strong on its own while finding ways to support the other’s greatest assets.