- Claim to Fame season 3 features 11 mystery celebrity relatives competing for $100,000.
- So far, Bianca, Jill, Gracie Lou, Miguel, Naomi, Dedrick, and Danny’s celebrity relatives have been revealed.
- Bianca was revealed to be Robin Roberts’ niece, while Jill is John Stamos’ niece and Gracie Lou is Jon Cryer’s niece. Miguel is Jamie Lee Curtis’ nephew, while Naomi is Molly Ringwald’s cousin, and Dedrick is Michael Jackson’s nephew. Danny is Marc Anthony’s nephew.
Claim to Fame season 3 has 11 mystery celebrity relative contestants competing for the $100,000 grand prize, and there have been some incredible reveals so far. Hosted by Kevin and Franklin Jonas, Claim to Fame seasons 1 and 2 had some very exciting competitors. They included relatives of actors, singers, athletes, and politicians.
Claim to Fame season 1 featured winner Loreal Chanel Palmer, known as L.C. on the show, who was revealed to be Keke Palmer’s sister, and runner-up Logan Crosby, who’s Jason Aldean’s cousin. Claim to Fame season 2 starred winner Gabriel Cannon, Nick Cannon’s brother, and runner-up Jerrica Monay Brooks, who was known as Monay on the show, who was J.B. Smoove’s daughter. Claim to Fame season 3 also has had some shocking reveals.
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Bianca Is Robin Roberts’ Niece
Bianca Was Chosen To Be The First Guesser
During Claim to Fame season 3 episode 1, Bianca was revealed to be Bianca Roberts, the niece of Peabody Award-winning journalist and broadcaster, Robin Roberts. During the Claim to Fame season 3 Two Truths and a Lie game, Bianca revealed that her celebrity relative had won a Peabody Award. Her fellow contestants didn’t know what a Peabody Award was. The award is given for excellence in broadcasting. In a Claim to Fame Instagram post, her other two statements were that her relative was her aunt and an actress. The actress part was the lie.
After the Claim to Fame season 3 talent show, in which Bianca danced with a gymnastics ribbon and painted a picture, she and her fellow contestant Miguel placed last, while Gracie Lou won. This meant that either Bianca or Miguel would be the guesser. Bianca thought that she had enough votes to avoid becoming the guesser, but Miguel worked hard to convince his fellow competitors to vote for her instead of him. When Bianca was chosen, she incorrectly guessed that Shane was related to Forest Whitaker, so she was eliminated.
When Robin was revealed to Bianca’s celebrity relative, Bianca explained that she’s her youngest auntie. She said that she loves her and she’s amazing. Bianca added that Robin has fought through so many trials and tribulations, and she’s out there still fighting. Bianca admitted that she never in a million years imagined that she’d be the first one out of the competition, but she thought that her aunt Robin would be super proud of her.

Claim To Fame Season 3 Promo Teases Contestant Whose Identity Has Already Been Spoiled By Fans
The identities of the Claim to Fame season 3 contestants are top secret, but some fans already know who one of the celebrity relatives is.
Jill Is John Stamos’ Niece
Jill Went Home In A Double Elimination
During Claim to Fame season 3 episode 2, Jill was revealed to be actor John Stamos’ niece. The episode featured a double elimination in which the captain of the losing team was automatically a guesser and had to choose someone else to be a guesser as well. Gracie Lou chose Jill, who incorrectly guessed that Miguel was related to Antonio Banderas after he tricked his fellow contestants into believing that he was related to the superstar actor.
Throughout Claim to Fame season 3, there weren’t many clues about Jill. In the Two Truths and a Lie game during the premiere, she said that her celebrity relative was her grandfather. The Claim to Fame Instagram page revealed more information, including that her relative was an actor who won a People’s Choice Award. John won the 2016 People’s Choice Award for Favorite Actor in a New TV series for his role as Jimmy Martino on Grandfathered.
Two Clue Wall clues might’ve applied to Jill, but they were never confirmed. Danny connected the week 2 challenge clue “Gemini” with twin crabs on the Clue Wall, and mentioned the Olsen twins. They starred in Full House with John, but Danny never made that connection. In addition, a container of Greek yogurt on the Clue Wall might’ve been a reference to John’s Greek heritage.
When Jill was eliminated from the game, John appeared in a video in which he congratulated her, told her he was proud of her, and said that he loved her so much. John recalled how his mother, Jill’s grandmother, called Jill, “Angel Eyes,” when she was born because she had such big, beautiful blue eyes. He called her an angel with beautiful eyes.
John also shared a sweet story about how his mother would tell Jill she loved her, and Jill would respond, “I love you more.”John then told Jill, “I love you more.” Jill shared that John is the best and her biggest support. She said that she would not be where she is without him, and she’s so lucky to have him.

Who Is Hud On Claim To Fame Season 3? (Spoilers)
Claim to Fame season 3’s Hud is one of the 11 contestants competing for the $100,000 grand prize. Here are the clues to his true identity.
Gracie Lou Is Jon Cryer’s Niece
Gracie Lou Made The Second Incorrect Guess Of Claim To Fame Season 3 Episode 2
In the second elimination of Claim to Fame season 3 episode 2, Gracie Lou was revealed to be actor Jon Cryer’s niece, Gracie Hyland. She called him, “Uncle Jonny.” In the Claim to Fame season 3 premiere Two Truths and a Lie game (shared via Instagram), Gracie Lou shared that her celebrity relative was her uncle, who was a musician who won an Emmy. She wanted people to believe that she came from a country music family, even though she said that she barely knew what was going on in the country world. She created the character of Gracie Lou, dressing in boots and speaking in a Southern twang.
During the Claim to Fame season 3 talent show, Gracie Lou won by singing a song and playing the guitar. When Gracie Lou looked at the Clue Wall, she realized that a duck was her clue. After her elimination, it became clear that the duck represented the fact that Jon played Phil “Duckie” Dale in Pretty in Pink. After Gracie Lou’s elimination, Naomi pointed out that there were two Army men on the Clue Wall, with one stuck in mud showing only half of him, which represented Jon’s hit television series, Two and a Half Men. She declared that she never would’ve gotten it.
During Claim to Fame season 3 episode 2, Gracie Lou incorrectly guessed that Adam was related to actor Dustin Hoffman. She was more sure that Naomi might be related to Molly Ringwald, but Naomi had immunity. In a video, Jon said that he was so proud of Gracie Lou and that she played her heart out. He shared that the show brought him back to the days when he used to see her in show choir in Santa Clarita, California, where she actually grew up. Jon told her that he loved her so much.
Gracie Lou shared that Jon is so fun, and she was so happy to be there to represent him. She said that she was from Southern California, and not Tennessee. At the end of the episode, Jon pulled up in a limousine to pick Gracie Lou up, and they had a hilarious exchange during which he guessed that his clue was a duck. The license plate said, “Duckman.”

Who Is Adam On Claim To Fame Season 3? (Spoilers)
Claim to Fame season 3 contestant Adam is trying to keep his true identity under wraps. Here’s who he’s most likely related to based on his clues.
Miguel Is Jamie Lee Curtis’ Nephew
Miguel Guessed Dedrick’s Celebrity Relative Wrong
During Claim to Fame season 3 episode 3, Miguel incorrectly guessed that Dedrick was related to Little Richard, so he was eliminated and revealed to be Raphael Curtis, Jamie Lee Curtis’ nephew. His mother, Allegra Curtis, is Jamie Lee’s half sister. During the episode 1 Two Truths and a Lie game, Miguel shared that his celebrity relative was his grandfather, who’s an actor who won an Oscar. The lie was obviously that his celebrity relative was his grandfather. In addition, Jamie Lee won her first Oscar in 2022 for Best Supporting Actress for her role in the film Everything Everywhere All at Once.
Throughout Claim to Fame season 3, Miguel was known for deceiving his fellow contestants. He revealed that he used a fake name to make people think that he was “more Spanish” than he actually was. He wanted to be a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Miguel managed to avoid being the guesser in the first guess-off, and then duped everyone into thinking he was related to Antonio Banderas in the second one, leading to Gracie Lou’s elimination. However, Miguel incorrectly guessed that Dedrick was related to Little Richard in episode 3, and so he was eliminated.
There were a few Claim to Fame clues that proved that Miguel was related to Jamie Lee. The knife on the clue wall referenced her 2019 movie, Knives Out, as well as her role in the Halloween movies, as the character Michael Meyers used a knife in the films. In episode 3, the telephone game limerick line, “On an oddly peculiar Friday,” referred to Jamie Lee’s role in Freaky Friday.
When Miguel was eliminated, Jamie Lee reintroduced him in a video. Miguel then said that she was his beloved auntie, who’d been the saving grace for the past two years ever since his mom ended up in the hospital. He shared that Jamie Lee did nothing but take care of them financially, especially when times were very difficult. Miguel called Jamie Lee an incredible aunt, and he gushed that he couldn’t wish for anyone better in his life.

Claim To Fame’s Miguel Reveals What His Relationship With Aunt Jamie Lee Curtis Was Really Like
Claim to Fame season 3 contestant Miguel reveals what it was really like to grow up with his famous aunt, Oscar-winning actress Jamie Lee Curtis.
Naomi Is Molly Ringwald’s Cousin
Adam Guessed Naomi Correctly With Some Help From Hud
During Claim to Fame season 3 episode 4, Naomi was revealed to be actress and writer Molly Ringwald’s cousin, Naomi Burns. There were many clues that pointed to Molly throughout the season. During the premiere, when the contestants played the traditional Two Truths and a Lie game, Naomi was only shown sharing that her celebrity relative had won a Young Artist Award. However, a Claim to Fame Instagram post revealed that Naomi’s relative was her cousin and a singer.
Molly won the 1985 Young Artist Award for Best Young Actress in a Motion Picture – Musical, Comedy, Adventure or Drama for her role as Samantha “Sam” Baker in Sixteen Candles. The singer statement was the lie. Naomi’s Wine Room clue, which was pulled by Gracie Lou, included a bra, the letter T, a backpack, a crown, the “in” symbol, a club, and four coffees and croissants. This was deciphered to mean, “Brat Pack Princess In Club For Breakfast.“
During the 1980s, Molly was a member of the Brat Pack. They were a group of young actors, which included Molly, Ally Sheedy, Demi Moore, Emilio Estevez, Anthony Michael Hall, Rob Lowe, Andrew McCarthy, and Judd Nelson, who appeared in coming-of-age films together. Molly starred in The Breakfast Club in 1985, playing Claire Standish, who was known as the princess of the group. In addition to Naomi’s Wine Room clue, the Clue Wall included bacon and eggs, a tiara, popcorn and tickets, and a ring with a pink stone, all of which referred to the film.
When Gracie Lou was eliminated from Claim to Fame season 3 episode 2, and revealed to be actor Jon Cryer’s niece, Naomi shared that their celebrity relatives had more in common than either one of them realized. This was because Jon starred in the Brat Pack movie Pretty in Pink as Duckie, alongside Molly, who played Andie.
In the Claim to Fame season 3 episode 3 game of telephone, the contestants had to listen to two limericks and retell them correctly to each other. One of the lines of the limerick said, “In a handmade rose dress she was styling.“ Hud eventually figured out that the clue also referred to Pretty in Pink. In the film, Molly’s character Andie makes a pink prom dress, which she wears at the end of the movie.
During the Claim to Fame season 3 episode 4 interrogation challenge, Naomi lied and said that her relative wasn’t in the Brat Pack, and that she didn’t know what it was. She also lied that her relative doesn’t have red hair and wasn’t in Pretty in Pink. Naomi didn’t know that Gracie Lou had shared her clue with Shane before she left, so the contestants knew that her celebrity relative was in the Brat Pack. However, she began to realize that at least one person knew exactly who she was.
In the end, Naomi’s former allies, Hud and Adam, were the ones who betrayed her. Hud was there when Shane revealed Naomi’s clue, and he told Adam, who had no idea who Naomi’s celebrity relative was, that she was related to Molly. Even when Adam was told the answer, he didn’t know who Molly was. Adam was upset with Naomi because she wouldn’t help him with any clues, so he had no problem turning on her.
Hud not only saw the Breakfast Club clues on the Clue Wall and knew about the Pretty in Pink limerick clue, but he thought that the money on the Claim to Fame Clue Wall represented Molly’s 1990 film, Strike It Rich. Naomi had pulled Hud’s Wine Room clue in order to keep it safe in their alliance, but he was worried that she’d figure out who he was.
When Naomi was revealed, Molly sent her a video telling her that she was sorry, and she hoped that she had a great time. She told her to come home and that her family missed her. Naomi shared that she moved in with Molly and her parents when she was a teenager, and that Molly’s parents helped raise her. She got extremely close with Molly as a result. She said that she was able to have experiences and go places and do things that she would never have been able to do otherwise. Naomi added that she had so much love and respect for Molly.
Before she left Claim to Fame, Naomi said in her confessional that she “got super, epic played” by her fellow contestants. She explained that she wasn’t disappointed that she got eliminated, but rather with how she got eliminated, especially because Hud and Adam had betrayed her. However, Naomi admitted, “At the end of the day, they played the game, and they beat me.“ Although she was betrayed and outplayed by her alliance, Naomi was a very strategic Claim to Fame contestant.

Claim To Fame Season 3’s Jill Reveals Unexplained Clues About Her Famous Uncle John Stamos
Claim to Fame season 3’s Jill reveals the unexplained clues that applied to her celebrity relative, her uncle and Full House star John Stamos.
Dedrick Is Michael Jackson’s Nephew
Dedrick Incorrectly Guessed Adam’s Celebrity Relative
During Claim to Fame season 3 week 5, Dedrick was eliminated when he incorrectly guessed that Adam was related to Owen Wilson, and he was revealed to be Michael Jackson’s nephew, Siggy Jackson. Siggy is Jackson 5 member Jackie Jackson’s son. Siggy made a mistake early in the season when he accidentally referred to himself as, “Mr. Jackson,” in a conversation in front of his fellow houseguests. However, there were also many clues that revealed his true identity.
During Claim to Fame season 3, Siggy shared that his uncle was one of the most famous and iconic people in the world, and that he’d never had to hide it before. He told Danny that he first realized that his uncle was a celebrity when he came and took him and his cousins to Toys “R” Us at two in the morning and let them buy whatever they wanted. Siggy also said that Charlie Sheen tried to give his uncle a Ferrari, but he couldn’t drive. He said that his uncle’s crew was Nicolas Cage and Sean Penn.
Danny pulled Siggy’s Wine Room clue, which included a scarecrow, an owl with a speech bubble, a man walking, a “backwards” symbol, an “in” symbol, the letter N, a plus sign, a lever, a minus sign, the letter L, and a plane landing on a runway. Danny was able to decipher that the first part of the clue referenced Michael being the Scarecrow in The Wiz and moonwalking because of the man walking backwards. The whole clue meant, “Scarecrow who walked backwards in Neverland,“ which referenced Michael’s home, the Neverland Ranch.
The Claim to Fame season 3 challenges also revealed a lot about Michael Jackson. There were references to Michael’s chimp, Bubbles, on the Clue Wall in the form of a container of bubbles and in the senses challenge, in which there was the sound of bubble wrap. In addition, there was a “giraffe” clue in the spelling challenge, which referred to the giraffe that Michael kept at the Neverland Ranch.
There were also clues about Michael’s songs, including in the game of telephone, in which a line from the limerick said, “But her dancing was bad.“ This was a reference to Michael’s album and song, “Bad.” The egg beater sound in the senses challenge referred to Michael’s song, “Beat It.”
After Siggy guessed Adam wrong, he was revealed to be Michael’s nephew, and he shared his real name with his fellow contestants. He explained that he couldn’t talk about any of his family members because they’re all superstars. He pointed out that most of them have stars on the Walk of Fame. Siggy said, “So for me to actually be sitting up here and with five of y’all left … yo, that’s the magic number. This was beautiful.”
Siggy shared in his confessional that, from the beginning, it was really difficult for him to hide who he was because the contestants were already saying his name. However, he said that he wouldn’t have changed his plan. He said that he targeted Adam because he felt that it was the best shot that he had. Siggy declared, “I have no regrets. None.” As he left, Siggy told his fellow Claim to Fame season 3 contestants, “Y’all make the best out of this, you hear me?” Even though Siggy slipped and said his own name, it was very impressive that he stayed in the game as long as he did.
Danny Is Marc Anthony’s Nephew
Danny Incorrectly Guessed Mackenzie’s Celebrity Relative
Claim to Fame season 3 said goodbye to Danny when he incorrectly guessed that Mackenzie was related to Blake Shelton, and he was revealed to be singer Marc Anthony’s nephew, Nael Daniel Zayas. His identity was a complete mystery for the first half of the season, as he threw everyone off in the episode 1 Two Truths and a Lie game when he said that his celebrity relative was his uncle, who’s a wrestler who won a Grammy Award. Danny was able to keep up the charade that he was related to a wrestler until week 5 when his Wine Room Clue revealed his true identity.
Danny’s Wine Rom clue had a man standing over a fire, the words Veni Vidi Vici, a star with a microphone in it, an owl with a speech bubble, men falling, and the letter J printed low on the page. Hud immediately figured out that the second part of Danny’s Wine Room clue meant, “superstar singer who fell for JLo.” After talking with Mackenzie and Dedrick, who both agreed that the clue referred to one of Jennifer Lopez’s exes, Adam realized that the clue revealed Marc Anthony, which Mackenzie and Dedrick confirmed.
Adam also noticed a wooden letter J hanging low from the Clue Wall, which referred to JLo. In addition, Mackenzie realized that the “alimony” clue from the week 2 spelling challenge might’ve referred to Marc and JLo’s very public divorce. During the week 5 senses challenge, Danny was able to recognize the sound of bongos because he was “super familiar” with them because of Marc’s salsa music. Also, maracas appeared on the Clue Wall and in the spelling challenge. In the week 3 telephone game challenge, one of the limerick lines was, “So they shipped her right off to the island,” which could possibly be a reference to Marc’s Puerto Rican heritage.
Danny’s whole Wine Room clue could be interpreted to say, “Man on Fire conquered music who fell for JLo.“Man on Fire is a 2004 film that starred Marc. The sound of fire was paired with the bongos clue during the senses challenge. Also, in week 6, another clue was revealed about Man on Fire, which read “This Latin superstar starred in an action thriller with Dakota Fanning and Denzel Washington.”
When Danny was eliminated, he said that Marc is the greatest salsa singer of all-time. He said that he’d won multiple Billboard Music and Grammy Awards, and had starred in movies. Danny also revealed that Marc was on tour during the filming of Claim to Fame. He said that he loves Marc so much.
In his confessional, Danny said that he thought that his uncle was going to be so proud of him. He added that he came in not expecting to get as far as he did in the game, and admitted that he thought that he wouldn’t make it past the talent show. Danny deserves a lot of credit for keeping his identity a secret as long as he did, and duping his fellow contestants into thinking that he was related to a wrestler for so long. He also did a great job of figuring out people’s identities, including Dedrick’s. Danny should be proud of what he accomplished on Claim to Fame season 3.
Claim to Fame season 3 already had a major twist because the Clue Wall wasn’t instantly available to the contestants. In episode 1, it was locked, and the competitors could only view it after Franklin unlocked it. It’s going to be thrilling to see what else Claim to Fame season 3 has in store for its contestants and viewers. It’s already shaping up to be the best season yet.
Claim to Fame
airs Wednesdays at 9 p.m. EDT on ABC.
Sources: Claim to Fame/Instagram, Claim to Fame/Instagram, Claim to Fame/Instagram, Claim to Fame/Instagram, Claim to Fame/Instagram, Claim to Fame/Instagram, Claim to Fame/Instagram, Claim to Fame/Instagram, Claim to Fame/Instagram

Claim To Fame
Claim to Fame is a reality television competition series that brings together lesser-known celebrity relatives. These contestants must live together and compete in challenges, while keeping their identities and celebrity family members a secret. Hosted by brothers Kevin and Frankie Jonas, the show awards $100,000 to the last contestant standing.