- D&D 5e opportunity attacks differ from previous editions, requiring proper understanding for effective gameplay.
- Melee characters benefit from tactical decisions with opportunity attacks, impacted by their positioning and movement.
- Opportunity attacks can be optimized with the right feats and subclasses, enhancing strategic gameplay in D&D.
Opportunity attacks, or attacks of opportunity, have been a signature mechanic of Dungeons & Dragons combat since the second edition, but 5e opportunity attacks work a bit differently from some prior editions, and many players still handle them incorrectly. The mechanic did not appear in the original rules of 2e Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, but was added in the Combat & Tactics supplement. The long-running 3e DnD rules built off of Combat & Tactics, integrating many of its concepts into the core rules of DnD. Opportunity attacks make battles more complex and interesting, and understanding them is important, which for some players involves moving past old habits from earlier editions.
Classes like DnD’s barbarian and fighter are more fun than some players think, and playing an effective melee character may require more tactical decisions than playing a spellcaster, especially where opportunity attacks are concerned. Opportunity attacks make positioning and movement important, as characters cannot simply run past their foes to close the distance with whoever they wish. A character with a high armor class and hit points can more effectively protect vulnerable allies, thanks to opportunity attacks. Where the tactical focus of a spellcaster tends to happen before a fight, as they prepare the most useful spells, a melee specialist needs to focus on in-battle positioning and taking advantage of opportunity attacks.
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How Attacks Of Opportunity Work In D&D 5e
The Basics Of D&D Opportunity Attacks
In DnD 3e and 4e, opportunity attacks were triggered when an enemy left a threatened square. The 5e approach is different, as the attack only happens when the foe leaves an enemy’s entire threatened reach. This leads to some bizarre rule interactions, and as strange as some DnD campaign settings are, the rules can seem stranger. A player can freely run circles around a monster, so long as they do not leave their threatened reach.
Monsters with various natural weapons can only ever make an opportunity attack with the one that has the longest reach, so many 5e
dragons, for instance, can only make opportunity attacks with their tail whip.
Reach weapons are very different in DnD 5e, as they allow a foe a wider area to freely move around in without incurring the risk of an opportunity attack. The Polearm Master feat can restore some of the tactical efficacy of glaives and halberds, making feat selection more crucial for martial characters than spell users. Other feats can synergize the effectiveness of opportunity attacks, such as Sentinel, which lets those attacks stop an enemy’s movement. A key limitation is that opportunity attacks use a character’s Reaction. There are DnD 3e and 4e rules 5e is missing, and those include official ways to increase the number of opportunity attacks available.
Characters are limited to one Reaction per round, which means they can only make a single opportunity attack. In 3e DnD, characters could increase their opportunity attacks per round with the Combat Reflexes feat. The 4e rules were even more generous, as they allowed for one opportunity attack per turn, not per round. Between the Reaction limitation and the change from threatened square to threatened reach, opportunity attacks are less effective in the current rules than they have been in the past. That does not mean that players should ignore them, however, as there are still ways to optimize opportunity attacks.
Opportunity Attacks Can Benefit D&D Rogues & Wizards With The Right Feats
How To Maximize Attacks Of Opportunity For D&D Melee Classes
Many DnD rogues can do twice as much damage if they build towards using their Reaction to deliver a sneak attack during someone else’s turn, and opportunity attacks are one way to do that. A melee rogue can deliver a second sneak attack per round if they perform one on their own turn, and a second as an opportunity attack.
Feat synergy also comes into play, as Sentinel can stop movement, and War Caster can allow a spellcaster to replace a melee attack with certain spells for their opportunity attack. Characters with high melee damage, particularly those with the Great Weapon Master feat, deliver more game-changing opportunity attacks.
For most DnD fans, opportunity attacks are an iconic element of the game, every bit as much as the magic missile spell. For those gaming groups that still prefer theater of the mind combat instead of using a grid map for battles, opportunity attacks may be less of a factor. DnD has encouraged the use of maps heavily since 3e, and though 5e has simplified the rules, grid maps are still the best way to play.

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Adapting to map play improves many elements of combat in DnD, as it eliminates ambiguity about the area spells can impact or whether an enemy is within range of a longbow. Maps make opportunity attacks come up more consistently, and they help players think in terms of the area they threaten rather than just the enemies they can reach.
The opportunity attack mechanic also helps with player engagement, since players need to judge the best use for their one Reaction, instead of tuning out and ignoring the combat until it is their turn again. They may be less useful than in the prior editions, but opportunity attacks remain important.
D&D 5e Opportunity Attacks Can Still Be Optimized
High-Level Melee Classes Can Further Develop Their Attacks Of Opportunity
In very high-level games, the Cavalier fighter subclass operates like a 4e character where opportunity attacks are concerned. Any player’s list of DnD subclasses to try in future campaigns should include Cavalier, especially for players interested in maximizing opportunity attacks. At level 18, a Cavalier learns Vigilant Defender, where they receive a “special reaction” they can use on every other creature’s turn in order to take an opportunity attack, solely. For groups that allow Unearthed Arcana playtest content, Tunnel Fighter offers an easier method, available at level 1, where a fighter can enter a stance where opportunity attacks do not use up their Reaction.
To adequately protect weaker party members with opportunity attacks, positioning is key. A fighter with a five-foot reach weapon, like a greataxe or maul, will want to stand two squares in front of a vulnerable spellcaster, forcing enemies to go beyond their reach to attack the group’s wizard or cleric. A ten-foot reach weapon user will need to be three squares in front of casters, since their larger threatened reach allows for more enemy movement. The optimized DnD polearm wielding barbarian build has more options, as they can use Polearm Master to attack enemies as they enter their reach instead of only when they leave.
When Shouldn’t You Use/Take An Opportunity Attack In D&D?
Attacks Of Opportunity Aren’t Always Ideal
But as useful as opportunity attacks can be, sometimes, it’s best to just let the enemy run by without attempting to strike. Perhaps the simplest and most common reason to skip an opportunity attack is if the player wants to save their Reaction for something else. Say a player with the Sentinel feat knows that a nearby, low-AC teammate is threatened by a more powerful foe. In that case, it might be best to save their Reaction for retaliatory purposes.
For similar reasons, players who have disadvantage or few melee options might choose not to make opportunity attacks simply because they wouldn’t be effective. The War Caster feat can help these characters gain better options for performing opportunity attacks, which can expand their viability in a close-quarters fight.
As for taking opportunity attacks, it’s best to avoid them whenever possible – but then again, it isn’t always possible. Sometimes, it’s a better idea to take a single opportunity attack than to stay in an enemy’s melee range and risk multiple strikes on their next turn.

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Of course, there are times when it’s not worth the risk, especially when the character targeted is at low HP. Also consider whether an enemy’s opportunity attack that could make future turns more difficult by inflicting a status effect. It’s also wise to avoid an opportunity attack when concentrating, as even a single strike could force a concentration saving throw and potentially cut a spell short.
While players will generally want to be wary of opportunity attacks from monsters, knowing when to risk provoking such an attack is also an important judgment call. Some monsters’ opportunity attacks are not worth fearing, particularly for a barbarian in rage who resists most melee damage. There are monsters with unique and powerful Reaction abilities, and baiting them into wasting their sole Reaction on an opportunity attack could be beneficial. Opportunity attacks make Dungeons & Dragons more tactical, and add to player engagement, making them one rule no group should ignore.
Source: Dungeons & Dragons/YouTube

Dungeons and Dragons
Dungeons and Dragons is a popular tabletop game originally invented in 1974 by Ernest Gary Gygax and David Arneson. The fantasy role-playing game brings together players for a campaign with various components, including abilities, races, character classes, monsters, and treasures. The game has drastically expanded since the ’70s, with numerous updated box sets and expansions.
- Original Release Date
- 1974-00-00
- Publisher
- TSR Inc. , Wizards of the Coast
- Designer
- E. Gary Gygax , Dave Arneson
- Player Count
- 2-7 Players