Green Arrow’s Villain Era Is Preparing Him to Save the Entire DCU – I’m All In on This Perfect Theory

Warning! Contains spoilers for Green Arrow #14!


  • Green Arrow appears to be betraying the heroes by siding with Amanda Waller.
  • Green Arrow’s actions may hint at him working as a double agent against Waller.
  • The true motives behind Green Arrow’s betrayal are still unclear, leaving room for unexpected developments.

As the heroes of the DC Universe struggle against Amanda Waller’s overwhelming forces, their efforts to survive are continually thwarted by Green Arrow. While Green Arrow is usually a hero, it seems that he’s sided with Amanda Waller and is helping her take over the world. But I believe Green Arrow might just be the key to saving everyone.

Readers can see Green Arrow’s apparent betrayal in Green Arrow #14 by Joshua Williamson, Sean Izaakse, and Amancay Nahuelpan. As the heroes of Earth scramble to fight off Amanda Waller’s new Amazo Justice League, Oliver has only made things worse by handing over all the Justice League’s weaponry and information, like their secure communication lines.

When questioned by Batman, Green Arrow states that this is simply the natural result of the Justice League and all the other super-powered heroes: eventually humanity would naturally rise up. But I don’t believe Green Arrow truly means this; I think Green Arrow is simply deep undercover.


The ’90s Green Arrow Officially Returns to DC Lore with a Brand New ’90s-Inspired Costume

Connor Hawke, the Green Arrow of the 1990s, returns to action in Green Arrow #13, complete with a brand-new costume inspired by the 90s.

Green Arrow Could Have Captured the Entire Arrow Family

But He Chose to Leave Them Alone

Connor Points Out That Ollie Could Have Captured Them

Amanda Waller’s forces have been completely unstoppable. They’ve taken down Superman, Wonder Woman, and Shazam, with Batman and the Flash Family on the run. She seems completely unstoppable, and while Batman and the others might contribute this brutal onslaught to the information Green Arrow has provided, that’s not necessarily the case. I know that Amanda Waller is completely relentless, and she will do whatever she needs to get what she wants. She would not let anything stop her, so if Green Arrow didn’t help her, she’d simply find someone else who would — and Green Arrow has to know this, too.

Green Arrow had the chance to capture several members of the Arrow Family, and he didn’t.

Knowing that Waller will never stop, Green Arrow likely joined up with her to at least know what’s going on from her perspective. The heroes of Earth don’t have any other allies right now. The Justice League is disbanded, and Waller has successfully turned the public against the Titans. Because of this, it’s likely that Green Arrow willingly sided with Waller to work as a double agent. This theory is best supported by the fact that Green Arrow had the chance to capture several members of the Arrow Family, and he didn’t. He also made sure that the Arrow Family would have all the resources they needed to fight against Waller’s forces, as explained by his own son, Connor Hawke.

Green Arrow’s Betrayal Might Not Be What It Seems

Anything Could Happen as Absolute Power Continues

Green Arrow and Waller Strike Deal in Front of Burning Hall of Justice DC

Waller isn’t an idiot — far from it — so she likely knows that Green Arrow isn’t entirely loyal to her, but she still needs the information he has to smoothly take down the Justice League. Green Arrow has always been willing to do the jobs others won’t, as he famously saved the universe when he killed Hal Jordan during the Zero Hour crisis. While Green Arrow might be playing the villain now, I have no doubt that when the time is right, he will reveal himself as a double agent all along.

Green Arrow #14 is available now from DC Comics!

GREEN ARROW #14 (2024)

Green Arrow 14 Main Cover: Oliver Queen holding a bow in front of Justice League wanted posters.

  • Writer: Joshua Williamson
  • Artist: Amancay Nahuelpan, Sean Izaakse
  • Colorist: Romulo Fajardo Jr.
  • Letterer: Troy Peteri
  • Cover Artist: Phil Hester, Ande Parks, Ryan Cody

Green Arrow

Created By
Mort Weisinger , George Papp

First Appearance
More Fun Comics

Oliver Jonas Queen

Justice League, Justice League United, Queen Industries, Outsiders, Seven Soldiers of Victory, Justice League Elite, Justice League Task Force

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