Divinity: Original Sin 2 encourages you to pick up every bit of loot possible because they never know when they will need it, and the Vulture Armor set is absolutely gear worth getting. The quest involving the Vulture Armor in Divinity 2 is called “Keep Calm and Carrion,” and there are five pieces of armor to collect.
The Vulture Armor is great for any ranged character who uses Finesse. It also works well for Divinity 2’s rogues – but first, you will need to find a book titled Dwarven Customs and Traditions. It is located inside Judge Orivand’s study in Fort Joy. The book tells you how to begin to craft the Vulture Armor.
How To Get The Vulture Armor Set
Defeat The Guardian Of Powerful Gear
The next part of “Keep Calm and Carrion” takes place in Reaper’s Coast, specifically at coordinates X:218, Y:33. You will need to craft Source Infused Meat by combining Raw Mutton, Source Orb, and Earth Essence. Offering it to Mordus’ Excavation Site summons Duna’s Undertaker.

Divinity Original Sin 2: How To Get Four Relics of Rivellon (All Armor Sets)
Divinity Original Sin 2’s latest update Four Relics of Rivellon features brand new quests and items. Discover these secrets with this guide.
When Duna’s Undertaker is summoned, you can defeat this character to obtain the Vulture Armor, but this is easier said than done. This opponent summons Decomposing (Undead) Dwarves to fight alongside it, making this a very challenging brawl. Every enemy summoned in this fight has powerful lightning-based abilities and magic, which can shock your team to death if you are unprepared.
It is recommended that your party be at least Level 15 if you want to fight Duna’s Undertaker and their minions. You should also investigate Mordus’ Excavation Site before challenging the Undertaker, as this arena has many environmental quirks both sides can take advantage of.
Taking out both Duna’s Undertaker and their minions will give your party Cursed Vulture Feathers, the crafting item needed for making the Vulture armor set in Divinity 2. Dropping the feathers on the ground and casting Bless gets rid of the curse, but you can also bless the Vulture armor later once it’s been built and equipped.
You will need to combine the Vulture Feathers, cursed or not, with pieces of leather armor to make Divinity 2’s Vulture set. The pieces include:
- The Vulture’s Talons (boots)
- The Vulture’s Legs (leggings)
- The Vulture’s Mantle (chest armor)
- The Vulture’s Mask (helmet)
- The Vulture’s Claws (gloves)
While you can mix and match pieces, having the full set provides unique buffs, including permanent flight, farsight of +4m on all ranged attacks, immunity to Blinding, additional damage on hit, and the Vulture’s Prayer and Dust Blast skills. While the Vulture Armor set is not technically the best armor in Divinity: Original Sin 2, its unique buffs and innate powers make it worth picking up.
How To Get The Vulture Armor Set Peacefully In Act 2
Avoid A Dangerous Fight By Saying The Right Words
It is possible to avoid combat with Duna’s Undertaker when trying to get this Divinity 2 armor! Instead of picking a fight, you can choose to appease the Undertaker instead by performing specific actions. These actions are outlined in an excerpt of the Dwarven Customs and Traditions book you originally found in Fort Joy, giving you a clue towards making the Undertaker trust your group.

Divinity: Original Sin 2 – How to Respec Your Character
Divinity: Original Sin 2 adds the opportunity for anyone to respec their character early in Act I with the Magic Mirror found in Fort Joy.
The excerpt from the Dwarven customs book is in the Witch House north of Driftwood at X:367, Y:227. It will tell you which actions you need to do to appease Duna’s Undertaker, and in which order. When you are speaking and interacting with Duna’s Undertaker, select these dialogue options:
- “Tell the creature that you are here to receive this blessing.”
- “Bow with your arms outstretched.”
- “Quietly request its blessing.”
- “Say that you intend to save the souls of the fallen.”
If this is done correctly, your party will get Blessed Vulture Feathers. These items can also be crafted into the Vulture armor set, only this time without the Curse, as they have already been cleansed of any dark magic. Given the power of the full Vulture armor set in Divinity: Original Sin 2, this method is far easier to do in Act 2, as you can get the armor without winning an extremely tough battle.