Invincible Gives Simu Liu One Of Shang-Chi’s Forgotten Superpowers Before The MCU Could

Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings star Simu Liu is back in the comic book realm with Invincible season 3, and his new role beat the Marvel Cinematic Universe to one of his superpowers. Liu got his breakout movie role in 2021 with Marvel Studios’ solo film centered around Shang-Chi, the first lead Asian Marvel superhero. The success of the film propelled Liu to land a variety of roles afterward. Invincible season 3 is the latest example of this, as he joins the voice cast as a recurring villain in the third season.

Simu Liu plays Multi-Paul in Invincible season 3. He is the brother of Dupli-Kate. While his sister is part of the Guardians of the Globe, Multi-Paul is a criminal often associated with Mr. Liu. Viewers technically have seen Multi-Paul before through voiceless cameos in the background of different scenes in past seasons. However, Invincible season 3, episode 1, officially brings him into the fold. It’s a very different role for Liu to play compared to Shang-Chi given Multi-Paul’s darker personality and evil allegiance. And while Multi-Paul and Shang-Chi’s powers seem different at first, there is a similarity.

Shang-Chi Has Duplication Powers Like Invincible’s Multi-Paul In Marvel Comics

This Is Often A Forgotten Power For Shang-Chi

Multi-Paul’s main power in Invincible is his ability to multiply himself infinitely, just like his sister. This means Simu Liu gets to play several different forms of Multi-Paul, sometimes all at once, in season 3. These duplication powers are very different from Shang-Chi’s power set in the MCU, as he’s only been shown to be an expert martial artist who gains incredible abilities thanks to the Ten Rings. Anyone only familiar with the MCU watching Invincible would view Simu Liu’s new multiplying superpowers as a fresh power set that Shang-Chi does not have.

This is not the case in Marvel Comics, as Shang-Chi does have powers to duplicate, multiply, or clone himself. It would be easy not to know or remember this detail, considering it has only ever happened in one issue. Jonathan Hickman’s Avengers #38 revealed that Shang-Chi could create duplicates. This power is never featured again, strangely, and has mostly been forgotten by Marvel among Shang-Chi’s skillsets. As a result, Invincible gives Simu Liu a chance to utilize one of Shang-Chi’s underutilized powers and build an entire character around this ability.

Will The MCU Ever Give Simu Liu Shang-Chi’s Duplication Powers?

The Idea Was Potentially Considered For His Solo Film

Simu Liu’s time playing Multi-Paul is just beginning with Invincible season 3, but he is set to return as Shang-Chi in the MCU’s future. Perhaps his newfound experience playing Multi-Paul and his duplicates will lead him to push for this power to be added to his Marvel hero. It’s worth noting that Marvel Studios did potentially consider giving Shang-Chi the duplication powers from the very beginning. Concept art for Shang-Chi showed the cloning powers in full effect. This sequence never made it into the film, and it may have never got past the concept phase of development.

With Shang-Chi poised to return in a standalone sequel and presumably one or both of the next two Avengers films, there is an opportunity for his powers to grow. This could include the MCU gifting Shang-Chi his duplication powers. Something like that could be beneficial when it comes to fighting Doctor Doom or other future villains. Even if that does not happen, at least Simu Liu can now say he has a taste of playing duplicates of a comic book character thanks to Invincible season 3.

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