When naming the strongest superhero or most powerful superhuman, it’s ultimately a question of Marvel vs DC Comics, who have been creating superheroes and gods for decades.Of all the most powerful beings and entities within the Marvel and DC universes, who reigns supreme, and who will fall short?
Marvel and DC fans are constantly comparing the heroes from their respective franchises. Each series of comics boasts a number of compelling and powerful characters, with every new installment to the cinematic universes expanding upon their range of skills and abilities. To make things simple, we took all the complicated flow charts of powerful superheroes in Marvel and DC (from comics to film) and separated them out in a neat and orderly ranked list. Rankings were conceived through power obtained and held by each character.Ultimately one brand features a roster even stronger than the other! But which one?
20 Best-Selling Comics of All Time
From Marvel, DC, and Image Comics, these are the 20 highest-selling comics issues with records that speak volumes about their impact on the industry.
40 The Speed Force Endows This Hero With Breathtaking Powers
DC: The Flash
First Appearance: |
Creators: |
Powers |
Flash Comics #1 (1940) |
Gardner Fox (writer); Harry Lampert (artist) |
Access to the Speed Force (cosmic energy), granting him super-speed; intangibility; ability to travel through and manipulate time |
Since the inception of the character, the Flash – also going by the nickname of Scarlet Speedster – is a title that has been claimed by four different individuals: Jay Garrick (college athlete), Barry Allen (forensic scientist), Wally West (Barry’s nephew), and Bart Allen (Barry’s grandson).
Also known as the Fastest Man Alive, the Flash uses powers such as super-speed, intangibility, and superhuman agility. Flash can also move at speeds that alter time, allowing him to travel backward or forwards through DC’s timeline, proving him to be one of the most powerful superheroes.
Ranking: While the Flash’s speed powers certainly give him an advantage over many heroes and villains alike, his reality-warping tendencies have often been more troublesome than helpful. As he lacks a certain amount of control over these cosmic abilities that others on this list possess, he lands at the #30 spot here.
39 Asgardians Give All Heroes A Run For Their Money
Marvel: Heimdall
First Appearance: |
Creators: |
Powers |
Journey Into Mystery #85 (1962) |
Stan Lee & Larry Lieber (writers); Jack Kirby (artist) |
Asgardian physiology, granting him superhuman strength, senses, stamina, and durability; skilled in hand-to-hand marital combat |
Heimdall is an Asgardian god. Known as a protector, Heimdall can see and hear just about everything within the Nine Realms. He is a brother to Sif and is a member of Vanir.
It is said about Heimdall, that he can, “hear sap running through trees and see events occurring miles away.” He stands over 7 feet high and weighs almost 600 pounds. Heimdall prefers to fight with a two-handed longsword. He also possessed the Odinpower for a short time, which allowed him to channel cosmic energies.
38 A Fan-Favorite Whose True Might Remains To Be Determined
DC: Beast Boy
First Appearance: |
Creators: |
Powers |
Doom Patrol #99 (1965) |
Arnold Drake (writer): Bob Brown (artist) |
Shapeshifting; ability to take on animal forms at will |
As a perennial fan-favorite character, it is likely that Beast Boy’s power set will only continue to grow more impressive with future stories.
DC’s “Beast World” crossover event made it clear that Beast Boy can be a global threat under the right circumstances, as Beast Boy “spores” spread his powers across the globe, wreaking great havoc before the outbreak was contained. This event raised the question of the true limit of his transformative abilities.
For example, were Beast Boy’s power to allow him the ability to take the form of a virus, or bacteria, he could prove to be a threat the heroes of the DC Universe are not prepared to face. As a perennial fan-favorite character, it is likely that Beast Boy’s power set will only continue to grow more impressive with future stories.
37 One Of The Strongest Healing Factors In Comic Book History
Marvel: Deadpool
First Appearance: |
Creators: |
Powers |
The New Mutants #98 (1991) |
Fabian Nicieza (writer): Rob LIefeld (writer; artist) |
Mutant healing factor, essentially granting him immortality; weapons expert; hand-to-hand combat expert; superhuman reflexes; ability to break the fourth wall |
Wade Winston Wilson – aka Deadpool or the Merc with a Mouth – is known for his obnoxious personality, though his greatest superpower is his healing, derived from Wolverine’s healing factor, which allows him to quickly regenerate damaged or destroyed areas of his cellular structure.
This healing factor allows for his musculature to generate fewer fatigue toxins than the muscles of an ordinary human. This gives him superhuman levels of stamina in all physical activities while enhancing his natural strength, agility, and reflexes which helps the argument that he is one of the most powerful superheroes. Deadpool’s agility and reaction time surpass even the best human athlete.
36 A Justice League Stalwart With A Range Of High-Level Powers
DC: Martian Manhunter
First Appearance: |
Creators: |
Powers |
Detective Comics #225 (1955) |
Joseph Samachson (writer) Joe Certa (artist) |
Martian physiology, granting powers including shapeshifting; invisibility; phasing; regeneration; flight; speed; and superhuman strength. |
J’onn J’onzz, the Martian Manhunter, is one of the founding members of the Justice League of America, and is considered to be one of the most powerful beings in the DC Universe. Throughout his history, Martian Manhunter has gone by 21 different aliases, including Mrs. Klingman, a high school civics teacher of none other than Clark Kent.
He is often referred to as “the Swiss Army knife of superheroes,” although, Martian Manhunter’s powers and abilities are common to other members of his race. A handful of his many powers include shapeshifting, invisibility, phasing, regeneration, flight, speed, and superhuman strength.
35 Original Avenger & Asgardian Allfather
Marvel: Thor
First Appearance: |
Creators: |
Powers |
Journey into Mystery #83 (1962) |
Stan Lee & Larry Lieber (writers); Jack Kirby (artist) |
Asgardian deity & current Allfather, abilities include control of lightning and thunder; superhuman strength and durability; cosmic awareness; wields the hammer Mjolnir |
Though the Marvel Cinematic Universe has depicted the character as an increasingly comedic figure, in the comics, Thor is one of Marvel’s most dangerous warriors.
Thor is the Asgardian god of thunder and easily one of Marvel’s most powerful superheroes. In addition to his natural superhuman abilities, with the passing of Odin, Thor became the Allfather, the most powerful Asgardian within the Nine Realms.
Thor’s abilities also include elemental powers such as weather and electricity manipulation. He also learned how to take flight without the use of Mjolnir Hammer, and has regeneration powers. Though the Marvel Cinematic Universe has depicted the character as an increasingly comedic figure, in the comics, Thor is one of Marvel’s most dangerous warriors.
34 One Of The Justice League’s Big Three & The Original Amazon
DC: Wonder Woman
First Appearance: |
Creators: |
Powers |
All-Star Comics #8 (1941) |
William Moulton Marston (writer); Harry G. Peter (artist) |
Amazonian physiology, granting her powers including super-strength; invulnerability; flight; superhuman agility; superhuman healing; advanced in combat techniques & strategy; familiar with magic weaponry. |
Diana the Amazon Princess, better known as Wonder Woman was created by psychologist and writer William Moulton Marston, and artist Harry G. Peter. Her character was inspired by Marson’s wife, Elizabeth, and their lover, Olive Byrne. Wonder Woman is unique because she was sculpted from clay by her mother Queen Hippolyta and given life by Aphrodite. She was also given superhuman powers as gifts by the Greek gods. DC recently changed her backstory, though, as now she is the daughter of Zeus and Hippolyta.
Wonder Woman’s powers include super-strength, invulnerability, flight, combat skill, combat strategy, superhuman agility, healing, and magic weaponry. She also has the wisdom of the goddess Athena, along with 7 powerful pieces of equipment that enhance her abilities further. Most notably, her Lasso of Truth and Bracelets of Submission.
33 This Avenger Has Brought The World To Its Knees Before
Marvel: Hulk
First Appearance: |
Creators: |
Powers |
The Incredible Hulk #1 (1962) |
Stan Lee (writer); Jack Kirby (artist) |
Bruce Banner’s Hulk form grants him superhuman strength; invulnerability; shockwave generation; gamma ray emission; Banner on his own posessess a genius-level intellect |
Robert Bruce Banner, when transformed into the massive, unstoppable force of nature known asthe Hulk, stands at a height of almost 8 feet tall, and weighs in at close to 1,400 pounds. Certainly, he is not a superhero one wants to fight in close quarters with, as the angrier the Hulk gets, the stronger he becomes.
He can jump several hundred miles in one bound and can run at super speeds. Although, at some point, he begins to destroy the surrounding ground while running that fast, which is why he prefers to jump. The Hulk also has regeneration powers, along with an oxygenated perfluorocarbon emulsion, allowing him to breathe underwater and can move between varying depths without having to worry about decompression or nitrogen narcosis.
The Hulk, a Marvel Comics superhero created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, is physicist Bruce Banner transformed by gamma radiation. He morphs into a giant, green-skinned creature of immense strength and invulnerability when angered. Struggling with his transformations, Hulk allies with other heroes, battling villains while balancing his intellect with uncontrollable rage, making him a central figure in Marvel’s universe.
- Alias
- Robert Bruce Banner
- Alliance
- Avengers, Defenders, Horsemen of Apocalypse, Fantastic Four, Pantheon, Warbound, S.M.A.S.H., Secret Avengers
32 The Avatar Of God’s Vengeance
DC: Spectre
First Appearance: |
Creators: |
Powers |
More Fun Comics #52 (1940) |
Jerry Siegel (writer); Bernard Bailey (artist) |
Divine empowerment, granting him powers including immortality; energy manipulation; super-strength; flight; connection to the spirit realm. |
With multiple versions attached to his name, Spectre was first introduced in More Fun Comics #52 (1940). More Fun would eventually become part of DC Comics. The Spectre is not a normal superhero. It’s a cosmic entity and the physical embodiment of god’s vengeance on Earth. Spectre normally assigns itself to a human host, starting with cop Jim Corrigan and followed by Hal Jordan.
Spectre has Divine Empowerment, which gives him unlimited power thus resulting in him becoming one of DC’s most powerful superheroes. At various times, Spectre has been considered one of the most powerful beings in existence, second to One. He can warp and control reality, along with time and space. Spectre also has access to all the knowledge in the universe, including events altered through distorting time. A Spectre host manifests a unique Spectre form. Sometimes the Spectre form is recognizable by those who knew the host in life.
31 A Classic Mythological Hero Redefined By Modern Legends
Marvel: Hercules
First Appearance: |
Creators: |
Powers |
Journey Into Mystery Annual #1 (1965) |
Stan Lee (writer); Jack Kirby (artist) |
Olympian physiology, granting him immortality; invulnerability; superhuman strength; superhuman agility; skilled fighter |
Based on the hero from Greek mythology, Hercules was introduced to the Marvel Universe by legendary creators Stan Lee and Jack Kirby in the 60s. He received his own series titled The Incredible Hercules in 2008. Hercules is simply known for his superhuman strength. Hercules is so strong, he can lift or press more than 100 tons, making him one of the strongest superheroes in the Marvel Universe. Hercules is also an Olympian god, meaning he’s immortal. He can be wounded in battle, but he won’t die by conventional means.
His weapon of choice was forged by the god Hephaestus from enchanted adamantine called Golden Mace (not made from gold). Hercules’ mace has survived attacks from Thor’s hammer in the past. Hercules also exists in an alternate universe where he is the sole survivor of the Olympians. He leaves Olympus to become the father of a new race of gods.
30 The Ultimate DC Powerhouse (According to Batman)
DC: Firestorm
First Appearance: |
Creators: |
Powers |
Firestorm #1 (1978) |
Gerry Conway (writer); Al Milgrom (artist) |
Awareness, and mastery over all matter and energy on a nuclear level. To those capable of accessing the Firestorm Matrix, the ability to wield, remake, and unlock nuclear energy is limited only be the wielder’s understanding. |
While the Firestorm identity may not be locked to just one individual in the DC Universe, those who find themselves lucky (or unlucky) enough to be incorporated into the Firestorm Matrix have an incredible opportunity. The ability to sense, understand, interact with, wield, and even alter their physical environment on a nuclear level means that, underrated as he might be, Firestorm is potentially the most powerful DC superhero, period. Of course, these powers don’t come with a superhuman understanding or education. Which means the potential, while limitless, is functionality dependent on the one doing the nuclear tampering.
29 The Punisher’s Most Powerful Form Imaginable
Marvel: Cosmic Ghost Rider
First Appearance: |
Creators: |
Powers |
Thanos (Vol. 2) #13 (2017) |
Donny Cates (writer); Geoff Shaw (artist) |
All the abilities of the Power Cosmic, granted as a Herald of Galactus, as well as powers of the Ghost Rider, having been chosen as the host of the Spirit of Vengeance. |
Operating at a level that far exceeds the imagination of most superheroes, let along the abilities, the strange future fate that transformed Frank Castle from Punisher to cosmic wanderer stands apart in Marvel’s Multiverse. Thanks to his survival in a war that killed most of Earth, Frank came to play host to not only the Spirit of Vengeance, but the Power Cosmic granted to all who act as a Herald of Galactus. Combining to wield a Penance Stare of cosmic power, Frank shifted to acting as a soldier of King Thanos at the end of the universe when the Mad Titan murdered Galactus. A wild story in itself, even before Frank adopted baby Thanos as his own son.
28 The Son of The Venom Symbiote (and Eddie Brock)
Marvel: Dylan Brock
First Appearance: |
Creators: |
Powers |
Venom (Vol. 4) #7 (2018) |
Donny Cates (writer); Iban Coello (artist) |
As a portion of the Symbiote Hive Mind incarnated in a physical human form, Dylan possesses the ability to connect with, control, dominate, and evolve individual symbiotes to unique degrees. On top of all normal abilities granted to a symbiote, as well. |
When he made his debut into the Marvel Universe, Dylan Brock seemed little more than the overlooked son of Eddie Brock. But as time passed, the truth was revealed: Dylan is not only the son of Eddie Brock and his ex-wife Anne Weying, but the Venom symbiote as well. As the biological child of two former hosts of the symbiote, Dylan was granted an unheard-of connection to not only the Venom symbiote, but the entire Hive Mind created by Knull, the King in Black. While his true power is not yet realized, it has been glimpsed, confirming his future as the strongest embodiment and leader of the Symbiotes that the Marvel Universe will ever see.
27 From Teen Titan To Extinction-Level Threat
DC: Raven
First Appearance: |
Creators: |
Powers |
DC Comics Presents #26 (1980) |
Marv Wolfman (writer); George Pérez (artist) |
Magical mastery grants Rachel the abilities of flight, superhuman durability, strength, teleportation, reality-alteration, mental and emotional perception, astral projection, and more. Thanks to her demonic parentage, Raven’s darkest desires and thoughts make her dangerous, if not kept in check. |
Every fan of Teen Titans knows that Raven is a superhuman sorceress blessed with as many curses as gifts. That’s largely due to her father Trigon, one of the most pwerful demonic entities in the DC Universe. Over the years, this has meant Raven AKA Rachel must contend with her own dark side, as much as any supervillain. The ever-looming threat of this ‘Dark Raven’ has escalated in recent years, unlocking the true, ultimate form of Raven to be ‘The Dark-Winged Queen.’ Able to channel mystical energy that puts Raven’s normal abilities to shame, this dark identity deserves its ranking as an “extinction-level threat” to all life on Earth.
26 The Master of All Marvel Magic
Marvel: The-Powers-That-Be
First Appearance: |
Creators: |
Powers |
DG.O.D.S. #8 (2024) |
Jonathan Hickmann (writer); Valerio Schiti (artist) |
The most recently revealed of Marvel’s cosmic ‘abstract entities,’ The-Powers-That-Be is the source and guardian of all magic. Equal to Oblivion, the Living Tribunal, Eternity, Infinity, Master Order, and Lord Chaos, occupies the highest pantheon of cosmic beings. |
More easily understood in terms of overall power than in practical application of it, The-Powers-That-Be has been recently added to the Marvel cosmology as the source of “everything perfectly magical and weird.” That means all magic, mysticism, and otherwise preternaturally or supernaturally empowered phenomenon have this entity to thank. As a tangible form of their power, The-Powers-That-Be’s current avatar, Redwynn, is equal to the skill of Doctor Strange.
25 Krypton’s Favorite Daughter
DC: Supergirl
First Appearance: |
Creators: |
Powers |
Action Comics #252 (1959) |
Otto Binder (writer); Al Plastino (artist) |
Kryptonian physiology, granting her powers including super-strength; flight; invulnerability; super speed; heat vision; freeze breath; X-ray vision; superhuman hearing; and healing factor |
Created as a female counterpart to the Man of Steel, Supergirl is also as Superman’s cousin, Kara Zor-El has the same abilities as Clark Kent including his 5 enhanced visual abilities. Areas in which she stands out on her own include being trained in hand-to-hand combat by Batman, first-level Klurkor, multilingualism, genius intellect, and even artistry.
Supergirl’s powers include super-strength, flight, invulnerability, super speed, heat vision, freeze breath, X-ray vision, superhuman hearing, and healing factors. Kara was a fierce, impulsive, and sometimes immature teenager. When she landed on Earth Supergirl was suffering from undiagnosed Kryptonite poisoning. Being trapped with a chunk of Kryptonite for 30 years damaged her brain, making her prone to wild mood swings.

Supergirl is a popular DC character that made her debut in May 1959 in the pages of Action Comics #252. Many characters have taken on the mantle of Supergirl over the years, but the most popular iteration of the character is Kara Zor-El, Superman’s cousin. Supergirl has appeared in many comics, video games, movies, and TV shows over the years, most notably the 1984 Supergirl movie starring Helen Slater and The CW’s Supergirl show with Melissa Benoist.
24 A Spider-Man Enemy Turned Cosmic “King”
Marvel: Venom (Eddie Brock)
First Appearance: |
Creators: |
Powers |
The Amazing Spider-Man #300 (May 1988) |
David Michelinie (writer); Todd MacFarlane (writer; artist) |
Symbiote grants its host superhuman strength; invulnerability; enhanced speed; healing factor; As King in Black Eddie Brock also possesses the abilities of symbiote telepathy and mental time travel |
After killing Knull, the god of the symbiotes,
Eddie Brock became Marvel’s “King in Black,” elevating the Spider-Man
antagonist to a role of cosmic importance and power.
While several of the heroes represented here began – or have spent time as – villains, Venom was the most unequivocally evil in his villain era. The character’s popularity shifted him into the role of anti-hero; over time he has taken on an almost entirely heroic role.
After killing Knull, the god of the symbiotes, Eddie Brock became Marvel’s “King in Black,” elevating the Spider-Man antagonist to a role of cosmic importance and power. The role of Venom has also, at times, been filled by the overtly heroic Dylan Brock, Eddie’s son – though the senior Brock remains the one, true wielder of the symbiote’s power.
23 This Hero Controls His Universe’s Powerful Magic Forces
DC: Doctor Fate
First Appearance: |
Creators: |
Powers |
More Fun Comics #55 (1940) |
Gardner Fox (writer); Howard Sherman (artist) |
Magical expertise; wearer of the Helmet of Fate, which grants abilities including astral projection & control of the natural elements |
Over the years, many have taken on the title of Doctor Fate: Kent Nelson, Jared Stevens, Khalid Nassour. And they all have one thing in common: They all wore one of the most powerful relics in the DC Universe, the Helmet of Fate. The spirit of Nabu, a powerful cosmic being resides in the helmet, and those that are chosen to bear the mantle of Doctor Fate are granted godlike magic abilities.
With Nabu’s guidance, Doctor Fate serves as the DCU’s leading authority on magic, and he has used his arcane abilities to stop overwhelmingly powerful enemies such as Wotan and Mordu. Of course, Nabu and those that serve as Doctor Fate aren’t always on the same. But when the two entities are in sync, the magic of Fate is nearly unbeatable.
22 The Former Herald Of Galactus Turned Interstellar Hero
Marvel: Silver Surfer
First Appearance: |
Creators: |
Powers |
Fantastic Four #48 (1966) |
Jack Kirby (writer & artist) |
Wields cosmic powers; indestructible; light-speed travel; ability to transverse dimensional barriers |
Born Norrin Radd on the planet Zenn-La, the Silver Surfer is known as one of the noblest and tormented entities in the Marvel Universe. The Silver Surfer wields the power cosmic, allowing him to absorb and manipulate the universe’s ambient cosmic energies. He’s almost totally indestructible and can navigate space, hyperspace, and dimensional barriers.
The Silver Surfer can reach hyperspace speeds on his board and has even time traveled before. Like Hercules, his strength level is 100 plus. He also converts matter into energy, meaning he never has to eat or drink for survival resulting him in becoming an immensely powerful superhero.
21 A Character So Strong That It Makes Him Vulnerable
DC: Captain Atom
First Appearance: |
Creators: |
Powers |
Space Adventures #33 (1960) |
Joe Gill (writer) Steve Ditko (writer & artist) |
Quantum senses; quantum duplication; omnipotent knowledge; levitation; matter reconstruction |
Captain Atom (Nathaniel Adam) first appeared in Space Adventures #33 (1960), created by writer Joe Gill and artist/co-writer Steve Ditko. His powers include enhanced senses, better known as his quantum senses. Captain Atom perceives time differently than most, being able to see the past and future as one single entity. He essentially knows everything and can remember it too.
Because Captain Atom has an enhanced mental capacity, allowing him to process information like a super-powered computer. He once interfaced with a PC and read 100 yottabytes (one septillion or 1024 bytes) of information in an extremely short amount of time. Other abilities include telekinetically restructuring matter, levitating, changing size, along with creating clones via quantum superposition. Captain Atom has quantum armor, disintegration, molecular reconstruction, and is invulnerable.
Ranking: Ironically, Captain Atom has proved to be so powerful that he has proven difficult to include in DC stories without having him immediately solve the conflict, resulting in the character
repeatedly being killed off
. As a result of his frequent deaths, he ranks lower than he might be expected to.