The Real Meaning Of All The Dance Scenes In The White Lotus Season 3 Episode 5

Warning! This article contains spoilers for The White Lotus season 3, episode 5.

The White Lotus season 3, episode 5 features several dancing scenes, with each having thematic meaning concerning the show’s story and characters. The White Lotus season 3’s cast was mostly separate in episode 5, be it Chelsea, Chloe, Lochlan, and Saxon’s visit to the Full-Moon Festival or Jaclyn, Kate, and Laurie’s exploration of Thailand’s nightlife. The ending of The White Lotus season 3, episode 4, meanwhile, informed episode 5’s story involving Gaitok and Timothy, with the former attempting to take back the gun the latter stole.

Even this scene, which was mostly removed from the episode’s otherwise party-fuelled atmosphere, included a dancing scene. The White Lotus’ Gaitok watched Mook perform a local dance routine, which was much different from the other two dance locations found throughout episode 5. By the time of The White Lotus season 3, episode 5’s ending, the dancing scenes had exhausted themselves almost as much as those involved in them. Interestingly, each one of these sequences is tied to the thematic storytelling of the show by exploring the mindsets and arcs of the characters involved.

Why There Are So Many Dance Scenes In The White Lotus Season 3 Episode 5

The Guests Are Cutting Loose

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Firstly, on a more surface level, the dances in The White Lotus season 3, episode 5 are to symbolize that the guests are beginning to indulge in their vacations. Thus far, The White Lotus season 3’s location and setting as a wellness center has meant that a lot of the characters have experienced more calming activities. In episode 5, though, this changes, with two groups of characters beginning to settle into their vacation and seek an outlet of freedom and fun.

This comes in the form of the parties they find, from Jaclyn, Laurie, and Kate’s nightclub to Chelsea, Chloe, Saxon, and Lochlan’s festival. These parties, the dances, and the drugs and alcohol shown to go hand in hand with them set both sets of characters on a path of liberation and confidence for the first time this season. As The White Lotus tends to do, however, the show has been slowly amping up the tension before these stories come to a head. With confidence and freedom leading to some troubling choices, the dances represent more chaos that will undoubtedly down the line.

The White Lotus’ Dance Scenes Reflect The Guests’ Spiritual Journeys & Transcendence

Each Character’s Dance Scene Reflects Their Arcs

What makes The White Lotus season 3, episode 5’s dance scenes even more interesting is how they apply to each character or group of characters. For one, the dance scenes involving Jaclyn, Kate, and Laurie are very explosive and bombastic, given the lights, flares, and the type of music that is associated with the nightclub setting. This ties to the overall tensions that have been highlighted between the three friends, with the explosive dancing scenes hinting at an equally explosive confrontation.

Jaclyn’s dancing specifically was shown to be more sexualized, teasing her later decision to cheat on her husband with Valentin, which will likely cause more confrontation with Laurie too.

Where Saxon and Lochlan are concerned, their dance scenes were much more uncomfortable due to the depiction of the drugs they took in episode 5. The slow-moving scenes, unsettling depictions of the high, and the muted music gave the scenes a strange feeling. This ties to their decision to kiss each other later in The White Lotus season 3, episode 5, with that same strange feeling being amplified massively due to the fact they are brothers.

Finally, Mook’s dancing scene is much more calm, beautiful, and composed. This links to Mook’s depiction throughout The White Lotus season 3 as one of the show’s rare likable characters thus far. With Gaitok watching, the dance scene symbolizes their genuine connection via Mook’s genuine performance of a traditional Thai dance routine. Overall, The White Lotusdancing scenes hold a lot more meaning than first thought.

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The White Lotus


Release Date

July 11, 2021




Mike White

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