Today’s Connections Hints & Answers For November 12, 2024 (Puzzle #520)

Keeping up with the steady swing of any Connections puzzle can be hard, but especially so when you only have a limited amount of time to solve it. In today’s puzzle, there are some words used in strange ways and some that I haven’t really heard used in casual conversation before. This can make it hard to unpack and get the right answers. However, we are here to break it down and give you all the help you need to win the day.

If you are looking for something fun with a cute aesthetic but also quite challenging, you should try out the daily Spelling Bee puzzle. Unlike Connections, you have as many guesses as you need, but that is because it will take a lot longer to get every word you possibly can with each puzzle. You will need to spell out as many longer words with the set of letters given, which usually only include 1 vowel, to get the high score. Guess as many as possible every day to keep this streak going.

Today’s Connections Category Hints

NOVEMBER 12 #520

Getting the right hints for this puzzle will help you solve it much faster. If you do not want any spoilers, then you will have to consider each word fairly carefully. There are some overlapping words and there are some words that simply do not look like they belong in the category they are in. However, navigating that difficulty will be essential to finishing off the puzzle.

  • One category is about what we do when we are unhappy
  • One category is about quantities that a certain food group comes in
  • One category is about how good or bad a piece of technology is
  • One category is about the appearance of one particular trait when it is personified


8 NYT Tiles Strategies To Score Huge Combos

The Tiles game for the New York Times mobile app asks you to use various strategies to pair matching visual patterns together to build huge combos.

If you need more help, there is plenty more to come. The next section will include all of the category names, which should help you finish sorting the puzzle.

A yellow Connections game bar


A green Connections game bar


A blue Connections game bar


A purple Connections game bar


Today’s Connections Answers

NOVEMBER 12 #520

A sword in Connections Answers November 12

Yellow Answers: Revealed & Explained

A yellow Connections game bar






Admittedly, most of these words I would have never used or pictured as a verb. BELLYACHE feels particularly strange to use in this way, although it is the one I have actually seen used before. CRAB feels more likely to get used but more as a type of walking than as a bout of complaining. That being said, GRUMBLE is my favorite way to describe someone being grumpy, and I now have 3 more words I can use to describe the same thing happening, which is a good thing for my vocabulary.

Green Answers: Revealed & Explained

A green Connections game bar






SPEAR is definitely one in here that could be elsewhere with the more medieval language used in the remaining words. However, while I do not hear these words being used often or regularly, I have heard of them before. STALK and CLOVE are probably the most commonly used, particularly because of Garlic, the others I have heard at least in passing. FLORET is one that I have only ever seen used once or twice, but SPEAR is something that I remember exists as a vegetable term about once a year.


10 Best Connections Tips, Tricks, & Strategies

Four categories with four words each sounds simple, but the daily challenge of the Connections game can prove difficult without a few tips to help.

Blue Answers: Revealed & Explained

A blue Connections game bar






These are words I have become very familiar with due to multiple hunts for new laptops over the years. Laptops unfortunately never seem to last very long or become less useful for whatever reason. The SPEED of a laptop will degenerate far too quickly, although that does also depend on the RESOLUTION and how full the STORAGE is as well. RAM is always an interesting spec as well, as it somehow affects the SPEED and the STORAGE but I have never had someone explain it adequately to me either.

Purple Answers: Revealed & Explained

A purple Connections game bar






Another category that benefits from an education with a strong dose of art history, this one is tricky. This is mainly due to SPEAR and even potentially RAM being in other categories, as they might easily be mistaken for something else. There are plenty of statues in the time following Alexander the Great with RAM’s horns, and plenty with SPEARS as well. The BLINDFOLD and SCALES are what narrows it down by quite a lot, and it is details like that that you should focus on if you want to become a Connections champion.

Other Games Like Connections

Once you have finished off this puzzle, you can attempt to do the same thing all over again with a different puzzle. We would recommend Worldle to get your daily dose of geographical trivia as well as a fun game.

Game Name

How To Play

Is It Free To Play?

Wordle (NYT)

Solve a random five-letter word by using color clues. Every Wordle answer can be found in our daily updated list.



Name a country based only on its silhouette, and a few geographical hints.


The Password Game

Create a password in this ever-changing, not-so-simple game. You can find some helpful tips in our Password Game guide.



Try to solve a game of Wordle without any help. With each guess, the game reveals as little information as possible, even changing the word if need be.



June 12, 2023

The New York Times Company

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